Different Type Of Jeans Wash

Different Type Of Custom Jeans Wash
Different Types of Jeans Wash Have you ever wondered what creates those bleached, vintage looks on your favorite jeans and denim jackets? How does your brand new pair of jeans look beautifully worn and faded, but without any wear and tear of the denim itself? This is the end result of a process known as denim washing. After the denim is dyed with indigo, it is washed with different materials that produce a variety of effects on the texture and the color of the denim fabric. Mechanical washes include rinse washes, stone washes, as well as laser abrasion whereas chemical washes include acid and bleach treatments, as well as enzyme fading and ozone treatments. These are five major types of denim washes: Rinse Wash Rinse washes, also known as mill washes, are the simplest kind of denim washes. They simply remove the excess indigo dyes out of the fabric and are used to create the darkest shades of jeans.
Stone Wash
Stonewash consists of washing denim fabrics with pumice stones in order to produce distressed and faded looks. The pumice stones are loaded into the washing machines along with the denim and abrade the denim during the wash cycle, removing the indigo dye as well as creating a worn look.
Acid Wash
The acid wash process uses pumice stones that are presoaked in acid to create either yellow splotches or a snow-like whitening effect on the jeans.
Bleach Wash <.h3>
Bleach washing is similar to acid wash, in that bleach is used to alter the color of denim instead of acid. The oxidative bleach is used with or without pumice stones to destroy the indigo dye molecules during the wash. Bleach can be splattered or painted on denim in order to create beautiful patterns without putting it through a wash cycle.
Enzyme Wash
Enzyme washing has been developed as a new way to reduce the impact of stone and acid washes on the environment. Cellulase enzymes are commonly used and are naturally derived, so they reduce adverse effects on the environment. Many enzyme washes can be done without water but some are used along with pumice stones in order to reduce the wash time. MTOJ Fabric collection for tailor made jeans For custom jeans most popular washing techniques are rinse wash, stone wash and enzyme wash. As made to measure jeans are individually made and not made in bulk even washing of these jeans is done in small lots. in our collection of fabrics we have given details of fabric along with the type of washing technique used.